Man Disrupts Baraboo High School Graduation, Confronts Superintendent Over Past Issues

Man Disrupts Baraboo High School Graduation, Confronts Superintendent Over Past Issues

Drama Unfolds During Baraboo High School Graduation Ceremony

Graduations are supposed to be joyous occasions, filled with pride and celebration. However, the Baraboo High School ceremony on May 31 took a shocking turn when a North Freedom man, Matthew Eddy, caused a serious disruption. The incident centered around District Superintendent Rainey Briggs and involved past grievances that had apparently festered within Eddy for some time.

The Incident Unfolds

As graduates lined up to receive their diplomas, the air was thick with anticipation and excitement. Parents and friends filled the seats, ready to cheer for their loved ones. In the midst of this joyous atmosphere, Eddy approached the stage, his demeanor grave. According to witnesses, his target was Superintendent Rainey Briggs. Without much warning, Eddy grabbed Briggs, causing immediate shock and confusion among attendees.

Eddy’s motivation for the disruption, as he later told the police, stemmed from 'past issues' involving his daughter and Briggs. It turned out that his daughter had been expelled from Baraboo High School at one point. Eddy claimed that Briggs had a role in this expulsion and wanted to prevent him from shaking his daughter's hand as she graduated. This sudden outburst left many bewildered, especially since graduation ceremonies are typically tight-knit and well-regulated affairs.

Repercussions for Eddy

The consequences of Eddy’s actions were swift. Superintendent Rainey Briggs, visibly shaken by the encounter, indicated that he lacked any notable recollection of interactions with Eddy aside from the expulsion mentioned. Briggs stressed that he usually did not engage directly with parents concerning expulsions. This revelation added a layer of mystery to Eddy's intense feelings about the alleged past issues.

Immediately following the incident, Eddy was escorted off the stage. Assisting in this effort were off-duty police officers Mike and Jessica Pichler, who were present at the event. Eddy received a $150 disorderly conduct citation and was subsequently banned from all district properties. More significantly, he faced a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge, which could lead to further legal ramifications down the road.

Impact on Superintendent Rainey Briggs

Impact on Superintendent Rainey Briggs

For Superintendent Briggs, the incident had a profound psychological impact. He expressed apprehension about continuing his duties, fearing that his presence might attract more individuals with potentially dangerous intentions. As a precaution, Briggs altered his work schedule and took additional measures to ensure his safety. He also sought a restraining order against Eddy, fearing future confrontations. The incident underscored the often-overlooked vulnerabilities that educational administrators face in their professional lives.

Eddy's Remorse and Potential Legal Consequences

Despite the gravity of his actions, Eddy showed some level of remorse, although it appeared to be mainly for his daughter's sake. He acknowledged that his behavior was inappropriate and recognized the disruption he caused. However, his focus remained on what he perceived as injustices involving his daughter. While his remorse was noted, it did little to mitigate the severity of his actions in the eyes of the law.

The charges against Eddy could lead to significant legal consequences. Misdemeanor disorderly conduct charges carry penalties that vary by jurisdiction, but they typically include fines, community service, or even short-term imprisonment. Eddy's ban from district properties added another layer of difficulty to his and his family's lives, especially if his daughter continues to attend school events or activities within the district.

Community Response

The Baraboo community reacted with mixed emotions to the incident. Many expressed sympathy for Superintendent Briggs, acknowledging the tough and often thankless job educational administrators perform. Others pondered the complexities of the situation, understanding that Eddy's actions were driven by deep-seated frustrations and perceived injustices. Social media platforms buzzed with discussions, debates, and varying opinions on the matter, reflecting the community's divided stance.

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

As the dust settles from this surprising graduation drama, both the Baraboo High School administration and the local community face the lingering questions of how to prevent such incidents in the future. The school will likely review and tighten security measures at future events, ensuring that the safety of students, staff, and guests is a top priority. Superintendent Briggs will continue to navigate his professional responsibilities while dealing with the emotional aftermath of the incident.

In a broader context, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the pressures that educators and administrators face, often unnoticed by the general public. Ensuring a safe and supportive environment for all stakeholders in the educational process is imperative, and this incident could catalyze important discussions and policies aimed at achieving that goal.


The Baraboo High School graduation disruption by Matthew Eddy is an unfortunate incident that casts a spotlight on the challenges and vulnerabilities faced by educational administrators. Superintendent Rainey Briggs, though shaken, remains committed to his role, navigating the complexities of his job with newfound caution. Eddy's actions, driven by past grievances, have significant legal and social repercussions, serving as a cautionary tale for the community. As Baraboo moves forward, the lessons learned from this event will undoubtedly shape future policies and practices, ensuring that such disruptions remain rare and that educational environments are safe for everyone.

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